Thursday, 30 April 2020

# Book Blitz # Tour Kickoff

#BookBlitz :: Karma's Dilemma by Karma

~ Book Blitz ~
Karma's Dilemma
by Karma

About the Book:
Karma, a young man, knows very well who his soulmate is. Or so he thinks.

But, really, who is the one?

The posh Angela who he worships. Or is it Sana, the wild racer, who drives him crazy. Or is it Simi, the sensible psychologist, who puts him back together.

Or maybe there is no one for him because Karma’s deeds in his all-consuming quest as he scours the world have broken so many rules that, one day, karma, the immortal and unrelenting collector of soul-debt, comes calling for Karma, the mortal, himself.

The novel demonstrates the lengths one is willing to go to, the rules one is willing to break and the soul-debt one is willing to accumulate in the quest for a soulmate. Truly, everything is fair in love, even if not in war.

Will Karma the mortal outwit karma the immortal? Or will karma wipe Karma away...

Book Links:
Goodreads * Amazon

Read some Snippets from Karma's Dilemma

~ Snippet 1 ~

It was a new experience for her to live for a week in a small town in India. We were awakened from sleep each morning by the tunes of the Suprabhatam songs in Sanskrit, playing on the radio in the living room downstairs. We would take a pre-breakfast walk in the fresh morning air. Not many businesses accepted credit cards in my town, so I borrowed some cash from my brother, in case I needed to buy something during my walks with her. When we felt thirsty during our walk, we drank refreshing coconut water at a roadside stall. On one occasion, the vendor returned my currency note to me.

“It’s a fake one.”

“How can you tell?”

“It’s quite common nowadays, so all the vendors here know how to spot one. If you look closely at Mahatma Gandhi’s picture on the note, you can see that the frame of his spectacles is slightly crooked.”

~ Snippet 2 ~

“There’s something else I like about you,” Simi said, a minute into our walk.


“There is an India in my dreams. While I had heard about it from my parents and read about it in books, I had never seen it for myself, even during the few times I had been to India. I had really missed that elusive India! I see that India in you. Touched by pain, but not ruled by it. India that hopes. India that wishes. India that dreams.”

~ Snippet 3 ~

Mopla Sheikh thrust his right hand towards me as if to grab my balls, causing me to instinctively pull my pelvis back; his hand stopped barely an inch away. His smile was gone.

“Don’t go around telling people about money laundering and all that. We are sweet folks; there is only halvah and hawala here. Got it?”


I had no desire to end-up dead in the Dubai Creek. The people who wanted to save the world were already doing it, on the pages of DC and Marvel comics. They could get to money laundering in their own time. 

Download a copy on 2nd May!

About the Author:
Dear Readers,

Before I tell you more about myself, I want to answer a question that might arise in your mind. Given there are already so many writers (some might think too many), the question is: Why should I write at all?

Simply, I write because I was not allowed to write. Or read, any book which had the word love in it. In my family, it was believed that reading about love lead to rebellion. I myself picked up the pen when my only child was six-months old. At that time, I was without a job. I wrote because there was a lot that I wanted to tell my child, even if one day in the future, to make sense of this world. Writing also helped me keep hope alive, one page at a time, as I went from one fruitless interview to another.

As my child took first steps, I reached a milestone of my own. I completed my first book; the story of a young man's quest to find answers to life's questions. A boutique publisher in Paris loved it and translated my work into French. I even found a job soon after.

I am choosing to write under a pen-name because I am at a stage in my life where I prefer and love anonymity. Once my child is older, I intend to write under my own name.

Many thanks for reading my post and I hope you enjoy reading my novels.

Happy Reading!

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