Monday, 28 July 2014

#TourKickoff :: Incantation Paradox by Annamaria Bazzi

12:00 am 1 Comments
Magic is an illusion. It doesn’t really exist. Or does it?

A horrible car accident destroys Dolores Reynard’s life. But instead of waking up in a hospital bed, she awakens in a teenager’s body. Soon, she discovers she is at the heart of the murderous mystery surrounding the death of Mona, the young girl whose body she occupies. Caught between an evil greater than she ever imagined and a wizard who heals her tattered heart, she is forced to play a dangerous game of intrigue in the hopes of finding a way to return to her previous life.

Will magic be her ally, or will it lead to her demise once and for all.

Book Links:

Some Fun Facts:

- When behind the veil Dolores' true form materializes, losing Mona's looks.

- When I first wrote the book, I wrote it in first person, but Eric kept calling to me and I had to rewrite it in third person limited just so I could find out who he really was. 

- Through the various drafts, the protagonist changed name from Mara to Dolores.

- In my mind Dolores was going to fall in love with Richard, but she had different plans and fell in love with Jason.

- The original title of the book was Trapped in a Nightmare, but when I googled the title another book had claimed the title so I called the novel Incantation Paradox.

About the Author:

Although born in the United States, Annamaria Bazzi spent a great deal of her childhood in Sicily, Italy, in a town called Sciacca. Italian was the language spoken at home. Therefore, she had no problems when she found herself growing up in a strange country. Upon returning to the states, she promised herself she would speak without an accent. She attended Wayne State University in Detroit Michigan, where she obtained her Bachelor of Science in Computers with a minor in Spanish.
Annamaria spent twenty years programming systems for large corporations, creating innovative solution, and addressing customer problems. During those years, she raised four daughters and one husband. Annamaria lives in Richmond Virginia with her small family where she now dedicates a good part of her day writing.

Contact the Author:

2 Digital Copies of Incantation Paradox is up for grabs.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, 21 July 2014

#TourAnnouncement :: Here Lies Love by Dan Thompson

5:37 pm 0 Comments
Would death be less painful than life?
When she is sold by her father, Abbey discovers that nightmares can occur when you’re awake. Trapped inside a wooden cage, Abbey is forced to listen to the horrors and atrocities above; time ticking down until it is her turn. But Abbey isn’t prepared to become a victim; she will escape.
Although, what Abbey isn’t prepared for, is how harsh and unfair the world can be. With the sun turning its back on humanity long ago, life gives no opportunity. The only thing Abbey can do is learn to survive. To exist. And that means stealing any opportunity that comes her way. Haunted by the unpleasant memories bestowed upon her only nurtures Abbey’s paranoia, until she realises that to truly live in the world, she must confront the person who was responsible for her misfortune – her father.
Here Lies Love is a New Adult tale of actuality, of facing up to the fact that love comes in many guises. Can Abbey find the one glimmer of hope or will she be overcome with the darkness of revenge?

Book Links:

About the Author:
Dan lives in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire (England) with his young daughter and his shabby dog, Skye.
He is the Author of the charity poetry book Life is all but a vast array of Colours and phobia Novella The Caseworker's Memoirs. His first full length novel, A YA Fantasy entitled The Black Petal will be available soon. Here Lies Love is his first foray into the NA and Dystopian genres.
A lover of YA and fantasy fiction, you can often find him writing on his blog, writing book reviews and connecting online with other writer-type people and interviewing authors. Dan grew up reading Enid Blyton's The Famous Five series, secretly coming up with his own inventive adventures, and R.L Stine's The Goosebump series, before turning to the works of Philip Pullman, Eoin Colfer and Marcus Sedgwick and slipping away into alternate realities. He also loves a good Historical Thriller too. Deborah Harkness, Danielle Trussoni and Dianne Gray are some of his favourite authors who write for adults.

Contact the Author:

Fill out this Form To apply to review!

-This has to be the top post for the day.
- Review Stops will be assigned on first come first serve basis.
- Media Kit and Post HTML will be provided to all participants.

Thursday, 17 July 2014

#TourSchedule :: Incantation Paradox by Annamaria Bazzi

10:52 am 0 Comments
Magic is an illusion. It doesn’t really exist. Or does it?

A horrible car accident destroys Dolores Reynard’s life. But instead of waking up in a hospital bed, she awakens in a teenager’s body. Soon, she discovers she is at the heart of the murderous mystery surrounding the death of Mona, the young girl whose body she occupies. Caught between an evil greater than she ever imagined and a wizard who heals her tattered heart, she is forced to play a dangerous game of intrigue in the hopes of finding a way to return to her previous life.

Will magic be her ally, or will it lead to her demise once and for all.

Book Links:

About the Author:

Although born in the United States, Annamaria Bazzi spent a great deal of her childhood in Sicily, Italy, in a town called Sciacca. Italian was the language spoken at home. Therefore, she had no problems when she found herself growing up in a strange country. Upon returning to the states, she promised herself she would speak without an accent. She attended Wayne State University in Detroit Michigan, where she obtained her Bachelor of Science in Computers with a minor in Spanish.
Annamaria spent twenty years programming systems for large corporations, creating innovative solution, and addressing customer problems. During those years, she raised four daughters and one husband. Annamaria lives in Richmond Virginia with her small family where she now dedicates a good part of her day writing.

Contact the Author:

Tour Schedule:

28th July - Esraa Bassiouny - Book Review
28th July - Andrea Buginsky - Interview
28th July - Rachelle Ayala - Character Interview
28th July - Ilana - Book Review
28th July - Sheila Deeth - Character Interview
28th July - Ruth Hill - Spotlight

29th July - Linzé Brandon - Guest Post
29th July - Kyra Dune - Interview
29th July - Rae Quigley - Interview
29th July - Cremona - Interview

30th July - Anubha - Book Review

31st July - Aparna Singh - Spotlight
31st July - Tina Chan - Book Review
31st July - Myra White - Spotlight

01st August - Falguni Kothari - Guest Post
01st August - Emma White - Spotlight
01st August - D.E. Haggerty - Spotlight

02nd August - Deea - Spotlight
02nd August - Jenn S - Book Review
02nd August - Kay - Spotlight

04th August - Lakshmi Menon - Interview

05th August - Maniparna Sengupta Majumder - Book Review
05th August - Aimee Maguire - Book Review

06th August - Vicky - Spotlight
06th August - Kisha - Interview

07th August - Mohur - Spotlight

08th August - Dr Sanchit Bhandari - Guest Post
08th August - DelSheree Gladden - Guest Post
08th August - Mindy Wall - Book Review

09th August - Elizabeth McKenna - Spotlight
09th August - Kay LaLone - Book Review
09th August - Serenity - Book Review
09th August - Cinta Garcia de la RosaSpotlight

Monday, 14 July 2014

International Authors' Day Blog Hop - 2014

12:00 am 31 Comments

The Real Culprits…

Hello Everyone!

My Name is Debdatta Dasgupta Sahay and I am a Book Addict. I have been diagnosed to be in the critical stage where, I refuse to go out – for anything, especially social gatherings, often miss out on house chores and tend to forget things that do not include my current read. I have also been tagged as a book hoarder who salivates after paperbacks even after owning a Nook and a Kindle Fire. But I am not the only person to be blamed for this status.

The real culprits in this case, who got me addicted, are my parents. As book addicts and book hoarders themselves, they ensured that I was always surrounded by a never ending supply of books. Majority of my ‘surprise’ gifts consisted of books. They even took further steps to ensure that I would become addicted by telling me stories – not the usual fairy tales. My mother often narrated the best historical fictions and detective stories to me as my bed-time story or whenever I gave her trouble during meal times. My father ensured that I knew all about Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes even before I could actually pronounce these names properly. Growing up with four elder brothers at home (we were a joint family) I was a hyperactive child and their solution was to make me sit and read an Enid Blyton or an Agatha Christie or a Satyajit Ray Novel (according to my age at the time). So you see, I never had a chance. When I took my first job for a nominal salary, half of my salary was used in contributing to the family, my personal expenses and savings. The remaining half went into buying booksand my parents encouraged it! 

And few months back, I quit my job in order to be able to read more! People often tell me that I read too much and that I should go out more and mingle more. My only response is ‘Is there something like reading too much?!!’ I wouldn’t know as I always wish for ‘more time’ to read!

Well, now you know my story and know that I am beyond anyone’s help. So, recommend me some books that you have read and enjoyed - of any genre except non-fiction and erotica!

Giveaway Time!

a Rafflecopter giveaway Now Hop On to the Other Participating Blogs. Don't forget to Follow them and leave a Comment!

Monday, 7 July 2014

#TourAnnouncement :: Incantation Paradox by Annamaria Bazzi

10:39 am 0 Comments
Magic is an illusion. It doesn’t really exist. Or does it?

A horrible car accident destroys Dolores Reynard’s life. But instead of waking up in a hospital bed, she awakens in a teenager’s body. Soon, she discovers she is at the heart of the murderous mystery surrounding the death of Mona, the young girl whose body she occupies. Caught between an evil greater than she ever imagined and a wizard who heals her tattered heart, she is forced to play a dangerous game of intrigue in the hopes of finding a way to return to her previous life.

Will magic be her ally, or will it lead to her demise once and for all.

Book Links:

About the Author:

Although born in the United States, Annamaria Bazzi spent a great deal of her childhood in Sicily, Italy, in a town called Sciacca. Italian was the language spoken at home. Therefore, she had no problems when she found herself growing up in a strange country. Upon returning to the states, she promised herself she would speak without an accent. She attended Wayne State University in Detroit Michigan, where she obtained her Bachelor of Science in Computers with a minor in Spanish.
Annamaria spent twenty years programming systems for large corporations, creating innovative solution, and addressing customer problems. During those years, she raised four daughters and one husband. Annamaria lives in Richmond Virginia with her small family where she now dedicates a good part of her day writing.

Contact the Author:
To Sign up fill out THIS FORM

~ HTML code and Media Kit will be provided to all those who sign-up. 
~ Post needs to be up at 9am PST on the chosen date.
~ This has to be the top post!

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

#TourKickoff :: Bootie and the Beast by Falguni Kothari

12:00 am 1 Comments
Fairytales don't end with True Love's Kiss, they begin with one...
Diya Mathur (aka Beauty), celebrated supermodel and Party Princess of India, is adored by everyone. She works hard, plays hard, and has the biggest shoe fetish on the planet. But after she purchases one baby bootie, Diya's reputation is in ruins. There's only one place to escape the rumours - Texas, under the protection of her lifelong friend, and secret love, Krish Menon (aka the Beast).
Financial whizz-kid, CFO and entrepreneur, Krish is a brooding workaholic with a charisma that still brings Beauty Mathur to her knees. He has no idea, of course! They've shared a bond since childhood - a special friendship that thrives on sparring, teasing and goading - but with Diya back in his life and under his roof, Krish's latent desire for her explodes. And when he finally admits to the secret that has never allowed him to commit to any woman - especially Diya - everything changes. Krish might finally realise how much he wants his Beauty. But he won't get her until Diya has tamed her Beast.

Book Links:

Falguni Kothari is a non-traditional homemaker who accidently tripped on a misplaced soccer ball and fell down the writer’s rabbit hole. Having no more experience with the whole writing/publishing shebang than being a voracious reader and movie buff, it more than surprised her that she could, in fact, write a full-length novel. 
Now, several manuscripts down, when she is not trying to find a way out of her many domestic duties or cajoling her Latin dance coach to compose a rumba on Bollywood music, she is found embroiled in some or other scandal—sorry, creating stories—on her ever-faithful laptop.
She’s authored Bootie and the Beast, It’s Your Move, Wordfreak! and Scrabbulous Impressions, a short story. She rumbas across a whole smorgasbord of Social Media daily and loves to connect with most living things. 

Contact the Author:

Tour Schedule

01st July - Laura Greenwood - Book Review
02nd July - Niyati Mavinkurve - Book Review
03rd July - Rae Quigley - Guest Post
04th July - Namrata - Interview
04th July - Lynn Thompson - Guest Post
05th July - Nikita - Book Review
05th July - Vishal - Interview
07th July - Anubha Agrawal - Guest Post
07th July - Chantel Rhondeau - Interview
07th July - Linzé Brandon - Book Review
08th July - Sherry Fundin - Guest Post
08th July - Elizabeth McKenna - Interview
09th July - Jenn S - Book Review
09th July - Dee - Interview
10th July - Divya Prata - Book Review
10th July - Parinitha.urs - Book Review
11th July - Mindy Wall - Book Review
11th July - Heena Ahuja - Book Review
12th July - Dr Sanchit Bhandari - Guest Post
12th July - Shree Janani & Dhivya Balaji - Book Review
12th July - Penny Estelle - Guest Post
14th July - Rachelle Ayala - Interview
14th July - Annamaria - Guest Post
14th July - Maria Durst - Book Review
15th July - Paula - Book Review
15th July - AtmikaBook Review