Saturday, 19 September 2020

# Book Blitz # Tour Kickoff

#BookBlitz :: Anamika Khanna Falls in Love by Shraddha Sahi - @shraddhavs #Romance


About the Book:

How far would you go in love?

A few missed calls? Liking every post of his on FB? Landing in the hospital when you fall from a tree because you wanted to see into his room?
Anamika Khanna is madly in love with Rahul…
How can someone be so blind? Why can’t she see how much I love her? Will my confession jeopardise our friendship?
Vikram Lobo, the bookworm has developed muscles and lost the soda bottle glass-es. But he can’t stop his heart from skipping a beat when he sees Anamika.
Rahul, the high society Adonis wants nothing to do with the gauche, middle class weirdo who’s following him around. Until she moves into his league…
Laugh out loud at Anamika’s antics and follow her on the roller coaster that is her life!

Book Links:
Goodreads * Amazon

Meet Pammi Khanna

If you had a free day with no responsibilities and your only mission was to enjoy yourself, what would you do?

I would do that course on wedding cakes I’ve always wanted to do! Simple cakes seem too easy now. Maybe it will finally push me to start that small baking business I dream of.

If you could spend the day with someone you admire (living or dead or imaginary), who would you pick?

My Mother - she died when I was only five. My Dadi would tell me so many stories of her booming laughter and crazy antics - I think Anu is quite like her. I wish I could meet my mom just for a day and talk to her, woman to woman.

What is your idea of perfect happiness? And, what is your current state of mind?

It’s not fashionable to say this nowadays, but I’m happiest when Surinderji and Anu lick their fingers after a meal I made and smile at me. 
Right now I’m wondering if Anu’s strange behaviour is the effect of buri nazar (evil eye) Hai Rabba, how I can break this hold that snooty Rahul has on her!

What do you consider to be the most overrated virtue and why? 

Romance is overrated - at least the type they show in movies is! Flowers and chocolates and flowery words aren’t enough to build a future on. Security and trust make for better conditions for a life partner. 

Tell us 3 things about yourself that the readers do not know about

- I had an arranged marriage. I didn’t find Surinderji very good looking, but after my elder sister’s husband ran away with another woman, I was looking for the type of man who didn’t look as if he would do that to me.
- I dream of becoming India’s Nigella Lawson! Blush, blush!
- I’m trying to do all that visualisation stuff like in the book The Secret -I imagine Anu becoming more focussed in life, maybe even deciding to join me in my (till now imaginary) baking empire!

About the Author:

Words have been the centre of Shraddha’s existence for as long as she can re-member. Fed up with her constant demand for books, her parents asked her to write her own. And so, it began!

She’s an ophthalmologist with a specialisation in Glaucoma. She juggles her profes-sional demands with her new label of tennis mom and the larger than life charac-ters that live in her mind, demanding to be manifested.

She has written A Doctor in the House (Partridge), A Great Fall (Juggernaut) and The Case of the Counterfeit Currency (Mango Books) and also has an anthology of poems (F.I.S.T) (Pothi Books)

Shraddha finds herself attracted to stories about women – strong ones, funny ones & kick ass survivors. Her self-deprecating humor tends to stay with you long after you’ve shut the book.

Author Links:
Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * Youtube

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